A relaxing spa experience with hotel night, massage and access to the healthy thermal pools at any of the hotels in Caldaria province of Ourense, Arnoia Caldaria, Laias Caldaria and Wolves Caldaria. What. The best spas in Galicia in the form of voucher it's a gift. Give health and well-being in Ourense.
Validez de un año desde la fecha de emisión. Imprescindible realizar reserva previa. Voucher válido para utilizar cualquier día de la semana.1.- Pre-reservation required, specifying the reference number of the voucher.
2.- This gift certificate is valid for one year from the date of issue.
3.- Reservations subject to availability by the Hotel according to its sales policy and minimum stays.
4.- The hotel may be closed seasonally.
In Caldaria you can enjoy the best hotels and spas in Galicia.
In the province of Ourense we can find the spas of Laias, Lobios and Arnoia with mineral medicinal waters with the best thermal treatments for your health, your relaxation and your well-being