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Peas Massage with Beer Extract in the Beer Spa Granada

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Bonus gift of a pine massage with beer extract of one hour duration, in the Beer Spa de Granada, in Andalusia.

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61,00 €

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The Bonus Gift of Massage of Pindas with Beer extract in the Beer Spa Granada:

  • A pine massage with beer extract.

Duration: 60 minutes.

The pines they are a natural preparation of aromatic and medicinal herbs in which also includes barley, hop and malt, mixed with the body oil of hop and yeast, wrapped by a cloth in the form of saquito and crafted.

The function of this massage is to balance body and mind, with relaxing massage manipulations and the therapeutic power of phytotherapy, aromatherapy and natural species.

Through the pindas pressures are made on the body, causing therapeutic effects that can activate the chakras at the energy and physical level, draining the lymph, stimulating the circulation and enhancing a state of relaxation in Grenada.

This massage helps relax possible contractures, stimulates stiff or contracted muscles due to bad postures, increases muscle flexibility, helps overcome insomnia and combats stress.

Relax and enjoy the benefits of this massage Beer Spa de Granada.

Conditions of booking of the gift

-The Gift Bonuses expire 6 months after the purchase date.
-To book an appointment, you need to make the reservation prior to the large demand for the service.
-Access to facilities for children under the age of 18.
-In case you wish, the center will provide you with disposable bathing and towel.
-The use of bathrooms is mandatory.
-The beer and snacks included in the circuits can only be consumed in the barrels located in the bathroom area.


Spain's first beer spa is in Andalusia: Beer Spa Granada.

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